Local 10 IBEW Members,
Welcome to the new Local 10 IBEW website. It has the same name as the previous website but will provide easier access to calendar events, resources, forms and communication from the local office. Our new web hosting provider is NEP Services, and I would like to thank them for their hard work on the process to refresh our site.
Included in the new website is a member's area where you can receive up to date communication from the local office. Keep an eye out for the email explaining how to accept their invites. After accepting your invitation and setting up your account with a valid cell phone number, a two-factor authentication number will be sent to your cell phone. Once authentication is completed you will have access to the member's area content. Your personal protected information security is a top priority and will not be shared in any way. The new website and exclusive members area will be live on August 1.
An app called Connect Plus + (Found on Google or Apple) can be added for your cell phone. The benefits of NEP Connect Plus + are easy access to Documents, Resources, Texts, Emails, and Important Updates. We are always looking for input on what our membership would like to see on the website and in NEP Connect Plus +. You can also send in photos/videos/news that can be used in the future for website content and social media posts to ibewlocal10@stny.twcbc.com.
Please remember to verify your phone numbers and email addresses that are on file at the office if you haven't received an invite in the next few days. If you need assistance accessing NEP Connect please reach out to Ashley Justice at ashley.justice@nepservices.com.
I would like to thank the committee that helped make the website and application a reality, Teresa Ciancio, James Carcaldi, Roman Cefali, John Wild and Ashley Justice.
I would also like to thank you, the membership for your continued support.
Enjoy the new website,
Dan Addy
Business Manager