Message from Business Manager Dan Addy
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Over the next few weeks, the Climate Action Council (CAC) will be holding a series of public hearings to determine the State's energy policies. The CAC was established by the Governor to determine energy policy and how the state can reach the climate goals that they established. While some of their proposals are good ideas, many are job killers.
On Tuesday, April 12, the first hearing will be held at Binghamton University. There will also be a hearing in Buffalo on Wednesday, April 27th. We need all of our members to show up and let them know that we do not support a plan that will put Local 10 members out of work. Before the hearing, we need our members to do a few things.
If you plan to attend but not speak, you will still need to register as there is a space limitation. Please click here to register to attend. When you register make sure you select the Binghamton hearing.
Local 10 has been working with New Yorkers for Affordable Energy. We encourage everyone to sign up for their communications and to share the information they are putting out.
The Binghamton hearing will take place on Tuesday, April 12th, and will begin at 4:00 PM at Binghamton University, Symposium Hall, 85 Murray Hill Rd, Vestal NY, 13850.
The Buffalo hearing will take place on Wednesday, April 27th and will begin at 3:30 PM at Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, Mason O. Damon Auditorium, 1 Lafayette Square, Buffalo, NY 14203
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Why This Energy Policy Will Fail
Below are some talking points for key issues that have been developed between the Utilities and their unions across New York state. After you register to speak at the CAC hearing, union leadership will provide you with condensed talking points mimicking the message below. Each speaker is only granted two minutes to speak.
Timing & Sequencing: Electricity will play an even greater role in an electrified economy (transportation, buildings, heating). Aggressive buildout of the transmission & distribution system must be an immediate priority. If we do not get the transmission and distribution system right it will impact the ability to build out renewable energy, transform our transportation infrastructure from fossil fuel to electric, and heat homes properly in the winter. A reliable transmission & distribution system is foundational to meeting the CLCPA economy-wide mandates.
Jobs & Just Transition: The CLCPA has the potential to create a significant “economic” re-vitalization in New York State if managed properly. The economy change must maintain existing quality jobs, promote new supply chain jobs, and result in significant new Clean Energy - Green Jobs so New York State realizes a Net Plus jobs outcome.
Dormant power plants, industrial sites, and environmental disturbed sites are prime for clean energy development and new job creation. It is smart growth and a win-win for the local community and state to consider. An added benefit is that these sites could have existing electrical infrastructure already present.
Maintain a “no regrets” approach to solutions!: Natural gas has a significant role in the energy portfolio until adequate long-term solutions are developed. Long-term storage, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and hydrogen are potential solutions but not the only solutions necessary as we embark on a 25 year plus carbon reduction challenge. New York’s success will depend on remaining flexible, persistence on research and development, and collaboration with all stakeholders.