Tuesday, November 7, 2017
A Multi-Million Dollar Boondoggle
In 1967, the last “Politicians’ Convention” held in New York cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. Fifty years later, the price tag is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions. That’s an awful lot of money to spend on an exclusive party for New York politicians, Albany insiders, and the corporate special interests…especially when we can amend our Constitution without spending a single penny. Aren’t there better things that we could spend hundreds of millions of dollars on?
Rights at Risk
For working families, a “Politicians’ Convention” could put some of our most important and fundamental rights at risk. That includes the rights to join a union and to collectively bargain, as well as essential protections of our hard-fought pension benefits. Many of these rights have come under increasing attack in recent years by the corporate special interests and the wealthy elite, and a “Politicians’ Convention” would give those hostile forces a direct path toward rolling back our rights.
Gutting Guarantees
Did you know that the New York Constitution guarantees everyone in the state the right to a free public education? Or that some of our most environmentally sensitive areas like the Adirondacks and the Catskills are safeguarded by the state constitution’s “forever wild” protections? So many of the things that value most and take for granted about living in this great state are guaranteed by the state constitution, but a “Politicians’ Convention” could put them all at risk.